Visit of Mr. Agrim Kaushal, Economic Advisor, ISA, India for ESEF 2017
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Visit of Mr. Agrim Kaushal, Economic Advisor, ISA, India for ESEF 2017

Mr. Agrim Kaushal, Economic Advisor in the Interim Secretariat of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), Gurugram, Haryana, visited Senegal and participated in the ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Forum held in Dakar from 11-13 October 2017. He also made a presentation on the topic of “The International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the Solar Energy Development in Africa”.

During his stay in Dakar, he met with the Advisor to the Senegalese Prime Minister, the Energy Minister of Niger, and the ISA National Focal Points and other officials who attended the Forum Meeting

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