Chalo India
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Initiative to encourage Indian diaspora to become Incredible India Ambassadors
With more than 3 crore overseas Indians, the Indian diaspora is the largest diaspora population for any country in the world. More so, the geographical and demographic spread of the diaspora make it a global powerhouse, rooted to India in mind and spirit. Based on the clarion call of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of asking Indian diaspora members to encourage 5 non-Indian friends to travel to India, the Ministry of Tourism is launching the Chalo India Global Diaspora Campaign to enable Indian diaspora members become Incredible India ambassadors.
Step by step flow for diaspora member:
1. Create account on Chalo India site at 
2. Receive codes as a result of account creation
3. Share details of foreign friends you would wish to travel to India
4. Encourage foreign friends to travel to India with information available on Chalo India site
5. Receive rewards if foreign friend you encourage travels to India
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