Armed Forces Flag Day
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Armed Forces Flag Day

7th December is observed as the Armed Forces Flag Day throughout India to honour our martyrs and the men in uniform who valiantly fought on our borders to safeguard the country’s honour. It is an important occasion when the entire Nation comes together to express its gratitude to the Indian Armed Forces and the veterans.

NRI/PIOs/members of the Indian community are requested to donate generously for the welfare of the Indian Armed Forces Veterans and their families.

Voluntary contributions to the Armed Forces flag Day Fund can be made by any of the following means:-

(a)    By cheque/demand draft drawn in favour of Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.

(b)   Online through  RTGS. Bank details are as under:-

Account Name              :              Armed Forces Flag Day Fund

Name of Bank               :              Punjab National Bank

Account Number          :              3083000100179875

IFS Code No                 :               PUNB0308300

( c ) Online through website of KSB ( under AFFD Tab.


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