Embassy of India in Dakar

New consular, passport and visa application
fee payment channels

with effect from 31 October 2019


Application procedure 

All are requested to

1.    Apply online (see the forms at https://asp.embassyofindiadakar.gov.in/eoia/aWn_list.asp?s_keyword=applicatio)

2.    Email to cons.dakar@mea.gov.in complete application form along with scanned copies (in PDF format) of supporting documents

3.    Include in the email

a.    In the subject header: application number, full and correct name of the applicant and nationality

b.    in the main body of email, 

1.     details of your application and

2.     the list of all the supporting documents attached

4.    Pre-processing would be done by the Embassy based on the above and a response email sent to the applicant.

a.    If application appears to be complete, it would be so stated asking the applicant to submit the application to the Embassy. As this is done, it would be clearly indicated as to:

1.     fee to be paid; components of the fee could include:

a.     fee for the particular service (visa, passport, consular)

b.     ICWF (Indian Community Welfare Fund) fee

c.     postal fee (if the serviced documents are to be returned by post. For this, in addition, the applicant must send

                                                                               i.     a signed authorization indemnifying embassy against any loss of documents in post;

                                                                             ii.     a self-addressed envelop

                                                                            iii.     receipt of full fee payment: please note that while using the banking channels to deposit the fee in Embassy of India Dakar Account, bank commission, if any, will have to be borne by the applicant so that the net fee received in Embassy of India Dakar account is full as indicated by cons.dakar@mea.gov.in

d.     original documents, if any, that need to be sent along with the signed original application form. These original documents would be returned along with the serviced document.

b.    If there is any lacuna, that would be intimated so that the applicant can cover the gap in the application.

Application submission channels

Applicants can either

·       bring the application personally or deposit it through an acquaintance

·       or send by post (Important:

o   Embassy is not responsible for any loss of documents in post

o   Return postal fee to be paid by the applicant to enable Embassy send serviced documents by post

o   Self-addressed envelop must be attached

o   Signed letter seeking depatch of the serviced document by post and also indemnifying Embassy from any loss of documents in post

o   Receipt of full payment of fee (excluding banking commission, if any, that the applicant needs to bear additionally) in Embassy of India Dakar account (the details may be found from accts.dakar@mea.gov.in  ) must be attached inclusive of following components:

§  Visa / passport service fee

§  ICFW fee

§  Return postal charges).


Applicants must send all the documents as indicated in the email from cons.dakar@mea.gov.in Typically, this would include:

a.       print out of the confirmation email from the Embassy

b.       signed application form

c.        originals of all supporting documents as expressly sought by cons.dakar@mea.gov.in

d.       requisite fee / receipt of having paid in Embassy account the full net fee (as indicated by cons.dakar@mea.gov.in )

e.       self-addressed envelop along with authorization asking the Embassy to return the serviced document by post

                                                  i.     do ensure that while seeking postal service that you pay the requisite postal fee



Those coming to the Embassy must adhere to the access control procedure of the Embassy of India, Dakar as described at https://asp.embassyofindiadakar.gov.in/eoiaspHtml/accesscontrol.htm


Timings at the Embassy

Applications for all categories (visa, passport and consular services) will be accepted in the Embassy on all working days from Monday to Friday between 0930 hrs and 1030 hrs.




Barring technical glitches, our endeavour will be to process the applications which are complete in all respects the same day.


Whereas visas and consular documents would be processed for return on the same day, new passports take more time as they are issued centrally from India.


As to passports, once received from central passport printing unit in India, Embassy would inform the applicant where-after they can come during collection time viz 1600-1700 Hrs on any working today to collect their passport.


Collection of serviced documents would be only between 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs (on all working days).


Any request on urgent humanitarian considerations would be accommodated; request with full justification for such cases must be sent beforehand to cons.dakar@mea.gov.in




Complaints / grievances / suggestions for improvement may be sent to amb.dakar@mea.gov.in

